Garden Window, which I made back in 2010, is another string pieced quilt that uses the 6.5 inch square rotary cutting ruler. I string pieced the blocks and put them in an alternate block setting with hourglass blocks.
The hour glass blocks give a secondary pattern to the overall quilt design. Since they blocks are fairly quick to make, mixing them in with the string blocks makes for a faster finish.
Finished size 40'' by 51''.
This is another version of the same quilt that has been made in browns and rusts. I started this quilt in 1999 while at Beaver Island quilt retreat with Gwen Marston and finished it for the birth of my niece who was born in early October, 2001.
Finished size 30'' by 42''.
There wasn't room to include both versions of the quilt in the book so I'm including the first one here. It warms my heart to see that it has been well loved.
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