Did any of you get to see the Infinite Variety show in New York in March 2011? As soon as I saw all the photos from the Infinite Variety quilt show, I knew I had to make a red and white quilt.
Two years on the "to do" list isn't bad.
I had a bit of a time getting photos of it. It has been dark and windy this winter. Here's the top before it was quilted.
Oooh, the wind stopped for just a second.
I love the electric energy this quilt has. It seems to be dancing.
The lovely people over at Fairfield sent me some of their 50/50 organic cotton and bamboo batting to use in this quilt. It is soft and I love the drapey feel of it especially after it's washed.
I have some directions on how to make this quilt over on the Fairfield site. Pop over there to see my "designer of the month" pattern for Red and White - Left and Right.
The quilt block is called Grand Right and Left
I used Kona Rich Red and Kona PFD fabrics.
Finshed size - 42 by 55 inches