I've been seeing lots of frame purses popping up around the web. Katy has made quite a few and also taught a class on making them at the Fat Quarterly retreat.
I finally broke down and drank the frame purse kool-aid. I ordered the The Easy Peasy Purse kit from U-handbag to get me started. I also stocked up on different size frames from a US seller on etsy.
I used the pattern provided for these two purses but used a different construction technique to avoid a raw edge at the join of the purse.
I drafted my own pattern to fit some other size frames. This sock monkey purse has an 8 inch frame. I also quilted the outer fabric instead of using fusible interfacing on this one.
I love the wee little 3 inch change purse. P wants to put her milk money in that and use it with her matching lunch bag.
Here you can see the finished edge at the join of the frame and bag.
These purses are so fun to create. It is a great way to use fun fabrics and fat quarters. They are quite addictive. Really. Once you start you can't stop. I already have more cut and ready to sew.
We still have enough of the Little Red fabric and super cute matching ribbon Brenda gave us to make another project. What should we make?
This weekend I also started a quilt with my Swiss Chard bundle from Brenda.
I'll tell you more about this quilt when it is a bit farther along. Mostly I wanted to show you the fabrics in action and let you know that Brenda's having a sale on all of the blogger bundles. You can get 20 percent off this week by entering Blogger20 at checkout when you purchase any of the blogger bundles. Go check them out. She also has an awesome sale section right now. She has three colors of that Little Red fabric on sale so go look at the great deals to be had.
Really, she just has great stuff. I actually placed TWO orders yesterday. Yeah, the sale is THAT good.