I seem to make more knitting progress on little things. I finished one of the ladybug picnic mittens.
And I'm more than halfway through a new pair of socks for B. With my new nine inch circular needles I can knit MUCH faster. I knit the entire foot of this sock during the high school orchestra concert last night! I also didn't have to worry about dropping a needle in the dark.
Socks and mittens are easy, comfortable knitting projects for me these days. I know what to expect and I like knowing that the finished project will fit and be worn.
Sweater knitting is another story. I am afraid this sweater is in danger of entering the black hole of unfinished sweaters. I love the yarn; I love knitting with the yarn.
I don't love the uncertainty.
Will it fit?
Will I have enough yarn?
Should I order more and start alternating skeins so the join will not be obvious?
If I order more then I will have lots left over and what will I do with that?
Should I go ahead with what I have and frog it if I run out?
I want to make different style sleeves than in the pattern but what style do I make?
So, there it sits, taunting me while I work on smaller more predictable projects.