We had loads of fun with the a-go-gos!
We toured the Jiffy Mix factory.
They really gave the big selling push for their mixes. Yes, you can buy it by the case.
Hairnets are required to go on the factory tour. Don't we look cute?
I wish we could have taken pictures on the factory floor. I love the old machinery and all the conveyors going from one place to another. The box building and filling stations are really fun to watch.
I enjoy being a tourist in my own town.
We went to the famous Manchester Chicken Broil. 14,000 chicken dinners in four hours. What more can we say?
We got some fantastic cole slaw with our meal. Apparently the recipe is heavily guarded.
We saw the fairy doors in Ann Arbor.
I always enjoy peeking into the fairy shop to see what's for sale. There are always a few baby teeth in the display case.
We picked blueberries
and hung out around the house.
I am so glad to have gotten the chance to meet the a-go-gos in person!
I hope they have a marvelous time on the rest of their journey.