P has been helping me make these butterfly blocks for my latest quilt. First she helped with stacking the background fabrics for each block. She counted the bundles of four and had fun making the star pattern with the blocks turned on each other.
Her favorite part is matching up the scraps to go with each background. She auditions several colors with each fabric before deciding. I have to say she is really good at that part.
It is fun to sit and work at my sewing machine while she is helping on the other side of the table. I also enjoy how much faster the process is with a helper.
I am eager to get all the blocks finished and see what they look like together.
I don't currently have a design wall to put these on (I always just arrange the blocks on the floor) but I think I may have to fashion something to arrange this quilt. I want to have it up and play with it for a while before I sew it.
Well, it is a soggy, rainy, thundery sort of day so I expect we will do a bit of sewing today.
I hope you have fun things planned for your day.