Before Christmas I was looking through my old Threads magazines for something and saw this September 1995 issue with the bias scarf. When the magazine first came out I made a bunch of these scarves from polar fleece. Seeing the cover again, I thought they needed to be made from felted wool.
The scarves can be worn down around the neck or on really cold windy days can be pulled up around the face. P hopes that hers will keep flying snow out of her face when she sleds. We are supposed to get more snow tonight so we may be able to see if it works to her satisfaction tomorrow.
B and the boys took advantage of the snow free ground and finished cutting up the fallen apple tree. It will make good firewood next year.
P thinks the chainsaw is very loud.
I never did find the article I was looking for in the Threads magazines. However, I think I am happier now than I would have been if I had found it.
It is good to recognize when this happens. Perhaps it will make life's unexpected journeys easier to enjoy. When we are not on the path we think we want to be on, we can still be happy with where we are going.