It is funny how collections just sort of happen. In the last year, since I started this blog, I have collected a few versions of the story The Little Red Hen. I didn't really plan to; they just jump up at me out of garage sale boxes and bins.
For my birthday this year my sister sent me a collection of cards that she had made from an old red hen book. I just love them. She insists that the book was in very bad condition. I don't think I'll use these cards.
I especially like the hen in her apron with her scissors showing in the pocket.
My Christmas stocking had a copy of the same book in it!! Lucky me!
Look what my sister made for me for Christmas!!!!
She used this image from the book for her redwork design.
I like that this red hen is planting corn, Indian corn, which was also included in the quilt.
I am also reminded that it is time to start thinking about what we will be planting in our garden this spring.