We planted back in the spring and watched it grow all summer. We worried about it when it didn't rain but there was nothing we could do but wait.
This weekend we harvested. It is slow work. Plant by plant, row by row, we pull the ears off the plant and knock the stalk to the ground. We pile the corn in the back of the pick up and sit on the back porch and pull off the shucks. Then, we are left with all the beautiful ears of corn.
We sort through them and save the biggest and best ears for next years seed. We try to save some of each color.
We sort the pile again and save good looking ears for making corn meal. Will let the ears dry and then shell them and store the kernels until we are ready to make bread. We grind the corn just before we make our Little Red Hen Bread. The rest of the corn is fed to the chickens.
I love looking at all of the different colors on the corn. P has saved two pink ears that she will plant next year. I like the kernels that are striped. The striping only appears in white and red. The burgundy kernels only are in ears with other burgundy or very dark purple. I find it fascinating.
Corn harvest also means the winding down of the fall food frenzy. Now, we wait for the corn to dry.
Still, we are making apple sauce but we see an end to the food preservation.