I feel like I got a lot done yesterday. I cut up a big pot of apples and made the last batch of applesauce. While the sauce was cooking, P and I worked on her Halloween costume. When you are dressing as a fairy, it is all about pink.
I found a pink hand-me-down dress-up dress that I temporarily shortened at the waist so that she will not trip on the skirt. The wings are made from coat hangers and a 25 year old pair pastel knee hi hose. (Have I mentioned that I have a hard time getting rid of stuff?) We decorated the wings with some "silk" flower parts to cover up the tops of the knee his and the coat hanger ends. Then, it was time for glitter.
While searching for the glitter I came across this pile of apple cores.
I have had these cut for at least 15 years. My sister cut one from each of her fabrics too, as this was to be a charm quilt. At one time, I had them counted and knew the size of the quilt I was going to make. There are even fabrics that are in this quilt in that pile, along with some great newer prints left from pajamas for D and M when they were little. Of course, I have accumulated much more fabric since I put this stack away. I started laying it out on the floor and decided that would be a very tedious and time consuming project. I think I will sew them together in groups of four and then try laying them out. That will be much more managable.
I will take my cue from this quilt and try not to over think it.
Yes, we did finally find the glitter and finish the fairy wings.
I also made banana bread and canned that last batch of sauce.
But, I guess I am not quite finished with apple cores.