I am thinking of adopting some sort of days of the week plan for housework. This is the plan laid out on my vintage dish towels:
Monday - wash clothes
Tuesday - iron
Wednesday - sewing/mending
Thursday - market
Friday - dusting/cleaning
Saturday - baking
Sunday - rest/look out the window
I definitely would not need a whole day for ironing. I can't imagine the electricity that would use. Perhaps I could substitute catching up with my favorite blogs. Nor would I need a whole day for market but restricting it to one day a week would be good.
We do seem to need a day for laundry. In warm weather the schedule would need to be flexible enough to take advantage of the clothesline. P enjoys laundry day and goes out to hang the clothes. She has her own line strung at half height.
And she now has her own bag for her pins.
She used to keep them in an apron but the pin hanger is more convenient when you need to run over to the swing after hanging the clothes.
Maybe I should let P set our schedule. These are the things she likes to do- laundry, sew, bake, and scrub floors. I hope she will enjoy these things when she is an adult as I do. I get a certain satisfaction from hanging laundry on the line, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees, and baking things from scratch. Sewing and knitting are different. They are relaxing, creative, and use a different part of the brain. When doing needlework I feel like I am creating something lasting. Clean laundry, a clean house, and fresh baked goods don't last but I hope doing these things with my children is creating something that lasts.