When we woke yesterday it was 50 degrees. A lot of our snow had melted; this was what our upper garden looked like. This garden is sort of a saddle of land between two bowl like depressions.
We live on a glacial moraine, the pile of rubble pushed ahead of an advancing glacier. We have two kettle holes on our property. These were formed when large blocks of ice calved off the front of the receding glacier and were buried under glacial outwash or sediment. When the ice finally melted a depression was left in the land. Kettle holes filled with water are called kettle lakes. Ours only hold water for a few days in the spring.
This is what the smaller kettle hole looked like in the morning.
By the afternoon it looked like this.
This morning it is cold again and there is ice on the kettle pond.
You can even slide ice chunks all the way to the other side. If it stays cold it may be thick enough for skating tomorrow. Too bad we don't have skates.
They have predicted 6-8 more inches of snow. This is the way of early March.